Karol Ward, LCSW

Imagine having the confidence you need to to become a successful leader.  

Create more career visibility and professional opportunity in this insightful and proactive guide to confident leadership. 

  • Cultivating Confidence Creates More Professional Opportunities 


  • Cultivating Confidence Creates More Professional Opportunities 


"Karol was one of the most empathetic and effective keynote speakers we've had in our fourteen year history. She was also "low maintenance". She showed up on time; mixed, mingled,
and was charming with the audience. She was completely prepared including opening with a lovely story about our region that only someone who had done their homework would know. I not only highly recommend her as a speaker, I will be booking her again.""
Pamela Varkony
Founder: Power Of Women

Confident Communication
This interactive talk will cover, the psychological reasons behind the fear of public speaking along with tips to reduce nervousness.  Karol will also share how to organize presentations, how to craft speeches and the effective use of body-language. Audiences will walk away with concrete and applicable tool to be better presenters

Claim Your Confidence

This motivational keynote creates the energy an audience needs to jump start a full day event. Having confidence impacts the decisions you make when you are creating professional goals. But if you feel that there is a doubt inside, a sense of insecurity about who you are or the skills you offer, you may be struggling with a lack of confidence. Claim Your Confidence is an interactive keynote presentation filled with uplifting stories and humor that illuminates how your core beliefs affect your confidence, communication and leadership abilities. 

The Psychology of Change

Change is inevitable but there are ways of managing change that can help you feel more empowered. Using psychological insight, and compassion for mental health struggles, Karol shares how you can use body-mind intelligence to make the best decisions possible. Audience engagement, case studies and stress reduction techniques help participants understand the stages of change and how to navigate them.   

Stress Less, Thrive More

This dynamic key note shows audiences how to connect to their body-mind intelligence and use it to reduce stress. Through stories of inspirational change, this presentation shows audiences the 3 key areas stress shows up and how to make changes. With the use of case studies, audience engagement, Karol shows audiences a clear path to calmness, and offers them concrete strategies to use in everyday life.

"Karol is an exceptionally talented motivational speaker who wowed the crowed at TEDxTimesSquare. If you are looking for a speaker who can entertain, educate, and inspire through storytelling, Karol is the perfect choice!"
Jeremey Donavan
SVP Research & Advisory Services at CB Insights.

Coaching & Speaking Engagements!