Karol Ward, LCSW

Imagine having the confidence you need to to become a successful leader.  

Create more career visibility and professional opportunity in this insightful and proactive guide to confident leadership. 

  • Cultivating Confidence Creates More Professional Opportunities 


  • Cultivating Confidence Creates More Professional Opportunities 

The Confident Practitioner

Coming June 2021

Whether you are a therapist, coach, fitness professional, nutritionist or consultant, this book was written to help you build a successful practice or business that will sustain you for years to come. The Confident Practitioner is based on 20 plus years of business building experience that I used to create and maintain both a successful psychotherapy and coaching practice.

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"In my business as a psychotherapist and coach, I chose to work with Karol Ward because she walks her talk as a successful coach. She has specifically helped me identify how to define myself within my own private practice in a way that is true to my personal values and professional talents. Karol's coaching style is warm, sincere, and proactive. In addition to being a skilled coach, the fact that she is a trained therapist is an added bonus. She has been instrumental in helping me keep my goals clear and focused while supporting the confidence building I need to take my business to the next level. As a result, I have seen my coaching and therapy practice grow."
Karen M. Carlucci, LCSW


"When I began working with Karol, I was employed as an administrator in a non-profit mental health agency with a dream of starting my own private psychotherapy practice. I was overjoyed when I met Karol! After just one session with her I felt empowered and capable of creating a successful practice. In addition to her practical support and guidance, Karol helped me to tune into and clarify my own vision. Karol's background in using body-based methods helped me to appreciate the value in finding my own intuition and embodied sense of what I wanted to accomplish. Within a year, I developed a full practice and it continues to thrive." 
Cara Franchi, LCSW, CASAC

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